White Holes
Rovelli Carlo
From Carlo Rovelli, the bestselling author of Seven Brief Lessons on Physics, this is a story of won...
Whole30. Třicetidenní restart, který vám přinese zdraví a svobodu
Hartwigovi Melissa a Dallas
Program Whole30 autorů Melissy a Dallase Ha...
Who's Afraid of Gender?
Butler Judith
Judith Butler, the ground-breaking philosopher whose work has redefined how we think about gender an...
Why Has Nobody Told Me This Before?
Smith Julie
Drawing on years of experience as a clinical psychologist, online sensati...
Why I Am so Clever
Nietzsche Fridrich
'Why do I know a few more things? Why am I so clever altogether?' Self-celebrating and self-mocking...
Why I Write?
Hrabal Bohumil
This collection of the earliest prose by one of literature’s greatest stylists captures, as scholar ...
Why I Write?
Hrabal Bohumil
This collection of the earliest prose by one of literature’s greatest stylists captures, as scholar ...
Why Nations Fail. The Origins of Power, Prosperity and Poverty
Acemoglu Daron - Robinson James S.
"Brilliant and engagingly written, " Why Na...
Why Politics Fails
Ansell Ben
From the 2023 Reith lecturer Politics is failing us. This is why. 'Brilliant . . . a must-read' Daro...
Why So Easily . . . Some Family Reasons for the Velvet Revolution
Možný Ivo
Sociologický esej vychází po třech desetile...
Why So Easily . . . Some Family Reasons for the Velvet Revolution
Možný Ivo
Sociologický esej vychází po třech desetile...
Why Women Are Poorer Than Men
Williams Annabelle
Feel empowered with your finances and discover the route to economic equality in this astonishing di...
Wiener Gruppe
wiener gruppe (vídeňská skupina) vznikla jako tvůrčí ostrůvek v konzervativních vodách poválečného r...
Yarros Rebecca
Jmenuje se Paxton Wilder. Je to dvaadvacetiletý potetovaný sexy vůdce Odpadlíků. Pětinásobný medaili...
Wilhelm Matzka (1798-1891). Dějiny matematiky,
Chocholová Michaela - Štoll Ivan
Tato monografie je rozšířenou verzí mé doktorské disertační práce, jež by...