Birnam Wood
Catton Eleanor
Birnam Wood is on the move... A landslide has closed the Korowai Pass in New Zealand's South Isla...
How to Think Like a Philosopher
Cave Peter
In showing how the great philosophers of human history lived and thought ...
Céline Louis-Ferdinand
The scene opens in a smouldering orchard in Flanders, where the French soldier Ferdinand, shell-shoc...
100 Queer Poems
Chan Mary Jean - McMillan Andrew
Mary Jean Chan and Andrew McMillan's luminous anthology, 100 Queer Poems, is a celebration of thrill...
The Slavic Myths
Charney Noah - Slapšak Svetlana
Slavic cultures are far-ranging, comprising of East Slavs (Russia, Ukraine, Belarus), West Slavs (Cz...
The Canterbury Tales
Chaucer Geoffrey
Assembling at the Tabard Inn in Southwark, twenty-nine pilgrims begin their journey to Canterbury Ca...
The Penguin Book of Greek and Latin Lyric Verse
Childers Christopher (ed.)
The poems in this lively, wide-ranging and richly enjoyable anthology are...
Vladislav Vančura
Chitnis Rajendra Anand
Ojedinělá monografie je čtivým úvodem do díla Vladislava Vančury pro anglojazyčnou kulturní veřejnos...
On Anarchism
Chomsky Noam
Presents an introduction to the Noam Chomsky's political theory. This title gathers his essays and i...
Consequences of Capitalism
Chomsky Noam - Waterstone Marv
An essential primer on capitalism, politics and how the world works, based on the hugely popular und...
Chown Marcus
Breakthrough takes us on a breathtaking, mind-altering tour of the eureka! moments of modern physics...
The One Thing You Need to Know
Chown Marcus
From gravity to black holes, special relativity to global warming, this a...
Evil under the Sun
Christi Agatha
The perfect holiday... For a passionate crime It was not unusual to find the sun-loving Arlena St...
Poirot Investigates
Christie Agatha
The very first collection of superb short stories featuring Hercule Poirot and Captain Hastings... F...
A Caribbean Mystery
Christie Agatha
Strangers thrown together. Is there evil in paradise? Major Palgrave enjoys an audience, and, in Mis...