Sex and the Failed Absolute
Žižek Slavoj
In the most rigorous articulation of his philosophical system to date, Slavoj Zizek provides nothing...
Too Late to Awaken. What Lies Ahead When There Is No Future?
Žižek Slavoj
The most provocative philosopher of our tim...
The Parallax View
Žižek Slavoj
In Žižek's long-awaited magnum opus, he theorizes the "parallax gap" in the ontological, the scienti...
Christian Atheism. How To Be a Real Materialist
Žižek Slavoj
If we want to be true atheists, do we have to begin with a religious edif...
Like a Thief an Broad Daylight
Žížek Slavoj
In our brave new world of Big Tech, work is automated and money melts int...
The Jena Codex
Anglická verze faksimile Jenského kodexu a komentářového svazku.
Věrné barevné faksimile prosl...
Franz Kafka Minibook
Nové miniknížky nakladatelství Vitalis představují ideální suvenýr či dárek z cest za senzační cenu,...
Travel Guide Prague
This guide familiarizes visitors with the beauties of the Czech metropolis. It clearly presents the ...
Jews in the Bohemian Lands
Written by a team of Czech authors, this publication provides an overview of the 19th- and 20th-cent...
Pivo a pivovary ČR - anglicky
"25. titul z edice ""průvodců do kapsy"" si klade za cíl poodkrýt čtenářům současnou podobu pivovarn...
DK Eyewitness Top 10 Prague
Best known for its picture-perfect buildings and gorgeous river views, Prague also offers eccentric ...
Simply Philosophy
A clear, simple, graphic-led introduction to philosophy. Are you short of time but hungry for knowle...
Beowulf. Dual language and New Verse Translation
Of unknown date, and surviving in a tenth-century manuscript, Beowulf is ...
The Epic of Gilgamesh
The ancient Sumerian poem The Epic of Gilgamesh is one of the oldest written stories in existence, t...