I, City
Brycz Pavel
Novela o severočeském městě Most v angličtině. I, City is a novel about the city of Most in north...
Havel. A Life
Žantovský Michael
"Vaclav Havel: iconoclast and philosopher-king, an internationally successful playwright who became ...
Harlequin's Millions
Hrabal Bohumil
A poignant, very funny novel full of unforgettable characters who reminisce about their changing cou...
Gothic Soul
Karásek ze Lvovic Jiří
A Gothic Soul is the most acclaimed work of Czech Decadent prose. Expressing concerns that are uniqu...
Good Soldier Švejk
Hašek Jaroslav
Hasek's most important work was centered around the deeply funny story of a hapless Czech soldier in...
God's Rainbow
Durych Jaroslav
This is a book about collective guilt, individual fate, and repentance, a tale that explores how we ...
Glorious Nemesis
Klíma Ladislav
Klima's intense inner life and complex mental state is reflected in his peculiar writings. The eccen...
Gardener's Year
Čapek Karel
The Gardener's Year is a charming and light-hearted insight into the life of an amateur gardener. St...
Festival of Insignificance
Kundera Milan
Casting light on the most serious of problems and at the same time saying not one serious sentence; ...
Everyday Spooks
Michal Karel
Jedna z nejúspěšnějších českých beletristických knih šedesátých let minulého století, Bubáci pro ...
Everyday Spooks
Michal Karel
Jedna z nejúspěšnějších českých beletristických knih šedesátých let minulého století, Bubáci pro ...
Procházka Jan
A paranoid thriller of life under surveillance in Communist Czechoslovakia. A deputy minister in th...
Disturbing the Peace
Havel Václav
An intimate history of Czechoslovakia under communism; a meditation on the social and political role...
Dancing Lessons for the Advanced in Age
Hrabal Bohumil
This ebullient, gallivanting novel encapsulates the world vision of the C...
Cutting in Short
Hrabal Bohumil
'As I crammed the cream horn voraciously into my mouth, at once I heard Francin's voice saying that ...