On the Waves of TSF / Na vlnách TSF
Seifert Jaroslav
The famous modernist manifesto Revolutionary Anthology Devětsil, publishe...
The Maimed
Ungar Hermann
Set in Prague, The Maimed relates the story of a highly neurotic, socially inept bank clerk who is e...
Mácha Karel Hynek
Often compared to Byron, Keats, Shelley, and Poe, Mácha was the greatest Czech Romantic poet, and th...
Signs & Symptoms
Gál Robert
Poetry. Robert Gal is one of the freshest voices to come from Prague over the past few years. His wr...
I, City
Brycz Pavel
Novela o severočeském městě Most v angličtině. I, City is a novel about the city of Most in north...
The Transformations of Mr. Hadlíz
Novák Ladislav
Poetry. Art. MR. HADLIZ is a combination of poetry, prose, and art. The t...
Total Fears
Hrabal Bohumil
As Czechoslovakia's communist regime expired in 1989, Hrabal began to write after a long literary si...
Boys & Murderers
Ungar Hermann
Presents a collection of short fiction that explores the human psyche.
Valerie and Her Week of Wonders
Nezval Vítězslav
Written in 1935 at the height of Czech Surrealism, this parable of menstr...
I Served the King of England
Hrabal Bohumil
This book contains an introduction by Adam Thirlwell. Sparkling with comic genius and narrative exub...
Dancing Lessons for the Advanced in Age
Hrabal Bohumil
This ebullient, gallivanting novel encapsulates the world vision of the C...
The Chattertooth Eleven
Bass Eduard
Dnes už klasická povídka Eduarda Basse z roku 1922 vychází nyní i v anglickém překladu. Autorkou dod...
Everyday Spooks
Michal Karel
Jedna z nejúspěšnějších českých beletristických knih šedesátých let minulého století, Bubáci pro ...
Complete Novels
Kafka Franz
Both Joseph K in The Trial and K in The Castle are victims of anonymous governing forces beyond thei...