The Second Sex (Vintage Feminism Short Edition)
Beauvoir Simone de
Vintage Feminism: classic feminist texts in short formWITH AN INTRODUCTIO...
The Second Sex
Beauvoir Simone de
Simone de Beauvoir famously wrote, 'One is not born, but rather becomes, woman'. In this groundbreak...
Unter dem Steinernen Meer
Becher Peter
Sommer 1990: Wenige Monate nach dem Fall des Eisernen Vorhangs begegnen sich zwei Budweiser Jugendfr...
Prager Tagebuch
Becher Peter
In diesem poesievollen Tagebuch nimmt uns der Literaturhistoriker Peter Becher in eine Prager Wirkli...
Prague: The City and Its River
Bečková Kateřina
Pro vzhled, charakter a život Prahy je od jejího vzniku zcela zásadním fa...
Russia Revolution and Civil War 1917-1921
Beevor Antony
‘The book is a masterpiece' The Spectator ‘A gripping narrative history ...
Beevor Antony
The Sunday Times #1 Bestseller The great airborne battle for the bridges in 1944 by Britain's Num...
The Rooster House
Belim Victoria
In the Ukrainian city of Poltava stands a building known as the Rooster House, an elegant mansion wi...
Alex Through the Looking Glass
Bellos Alex
From triangles, rotations and power laws, to fractals, cones and curves, ...
The Lake
Bellová Bianca
A fishing village at the end of the world. A lake that is drying up and, ominously, pushing out its ...
Reflections. Essays, Aphorisms, Autobiographical Writings
Benjamin Walter
A companion volume to Illuminations, the first collection of Walter Benja...
The Windsor Knot
Bennett S. J.
On a perfect Spring morning at Windsor Castle, Queen Elizabeth II will enjoy a cup of tea, carry out...
Doctor - Patient Communication Part I. (Introduction)
Beran Jiří
Cvičebnice odborné angličtiny je určená posluchačů...