Wharmby Pete
It's time to remake the world - the ground-breaking book on what steps we should all be taking for t...
Is this a dagger which I see before me?
Shakespeare William
'And when I shall die, Take him and cut him out in little stars.' Thi...
Immortal Longings
Gong Chloe
New York Times bestselling author Chloe Gong's adult epic fantasy debut, inspired by Shakespeare's A...
Murder at the Castle
Safier David
After a gruelling stint as the most powerful woman in the world, Angela can finally put her feet up....
The Red and the Black
Charting the rise and fall of an ambitious young social climber in a cruel, monarchical society, Ste...
The Heroines
Shepperson Laura
In Athens, crowds flock to witness the most shocking trial of the ancient world. The royal family is...
The Postcard
Berest Anne
In January 2003, the Berest family receive a mysterious, unsigned postcard. On one side was an image...
Dopamine Nation
Lembke Anna
We are a wired generation. In these fast-paced times we are constantly bombarded by high-reward, hig...
Pandora´s Jar : Women in the Greek Myths
Haynes Natalie
The Greek myths are among the world's most important cultural building bl...
Burnout? No, Thanks
Solovjev Svjatoslav
"Burnout? No, thanks." je upřímný příběh o boji s vyhořením a hledání cesty zpět k sobě. Žil jsem n...
Moshfegh Ottessa
Welcome to Lapvona. In a village in a medieval fiefdom buffeted by natural disasters, a motherless s...
Saturnin - francouzsky (paperback)
Jirotka Zdeněk
Slavný humoristický román Zdeňka Jirotky navazuje na tradici českého humo...
Prague Tales from the Little Quarter
Neruda Jan
Povídky Jana Nerudy, jež vyšly poprvé roku 1878, zavádìjí ètenáøe do idyl...
Praga. Ciudad Dorada
Salfellner Harald
Tato barevná publikace ukazuje mìsto nad Vltavou z jeho nejkrásnìjších stránek. Od Hradèan pøes Malo...
Kleinseitner Geschichten
Neruda Jan
Povídky Jana Nerudy, jež vyšly poprvé roku 1878, zavádìjí ètenáøe do idylické Prahy 19. století. Mez...