Clinical Endocrinology and Diagnostic Imaging
Brunová Jana - Bruna Josef
Monografie vychází z mnohaletých zkušeností autorů v klinické endokrinolo...
Genetics in Clinical Practice
Brdička Radim - Didden William
Cílem dalšího svazku volné řady sborníků s~pracemi českých i zahraničních autorů - tentokrát pouze v...
Clinical Neurology & Neuroanatomy
Berkowitz Aaron L.
Clinical Neurology and Neuroanatomy provides a clear, logical discussion ...
Doctor - Patient Communication Part I. (Introduction)
Beran Jiří
Cvičebnice odborné angličtiny je určená posluchačů...
Hygiene and Epidemiology
Bencko Vladimír et al.
Hygiena spolu s epidemiologií reprezentují integrální, biomedicínské základy veřejného zdravotnictví...
Medical Microbiology ed.
Barer Michael - Irving Will
Medical microbiology concerns the nature, distribution and activities of ...
Memorix Histology
Balko Jan - Tonar Zbyněk
Do you want to know more about your body than you can see with your eyes? Memorix Histology is the r...
Oxford Handbook of Clinical Specialties, 11th ed.
Baldwin Andrew ed.
The only book you need as a concise reference to the fourteen core specia...
Essential Cell Biology 6th ed.
Alberts Bruce - Heald Rebecca
The gold-standard cell biology textbook, optimized for di...
Cellular and Molecular Immunology, 10th ed.
Abbas Abul K. - Lichtman Andrew H.
Well-written, readable, and superbly illustrated, Cellular and Molecular ...
Lippincott Illustrated Reviews: Biochemistry 8th ed.
Abali Emine Ercikan - Cline Susan D.
LippincottR Connect Featured Title Purchase of the new print edition of ...