Jan Zrzavý. Obrazy do kapsy
Bystřický Oldřich
Národní galerie v Praze 2024
brožovaná, 50 str.
ISBN 9788070358344
Knížka věnovaná Janu Zrzavému ti umožní nahlédnout do fantazie umělce, v jehož obrazech se setkáme s vášní i melancholií, modernitou i obdivem ke starým kulturám. Zrzavý se dočkal velkého uznání již za svého života. Rád si pohrával se stylizací vlastní osoby, a to nejen ve svých podobiznách. Učil se u umělců soudobých, jako byli Jan Preisler či Bohumil Kubišta, ale také u starých mistrů. Obdivoval tvorbu Leonarda da Vinci, jehož obrazy často parafrázoval. Své rozsáhlé dílo, včetně vlastní umělecké sbírky, odkázal Národní galerii. Přestože knížka má jen omezený počet stran a obrazů, v tvé hlavě toho může vzniknout mnohem víc...
This book dedicated to Jan Zrzavý will give you a glimpse into the imagination of an artist whose paintings are filled with both modernity and admiration for old cultures, as well as passion and melancholy. Zrzavý received great recognition already during his lifetime. He liked to play with stylising his image - and not only in his self-portraits. He learned from old masters and modern artists such as Jan Preisler and Bohumil Kubišta. He admired the work of Leonardo da Vinci, whose paintings he often paraphrased. Jan Zrzavý bequeathed his extensive oeuvre, including his own art collection, to the National Gallery. The number of pages and artworks in this book is limited, but a lot more may come to life in your mind...
This book dedicated to Jan Zrzavý will give you a glimpse into the imagination of an artist whose paintings are filled with both modernity and admiration for old cultures, as well as passion and melancholy. Zrzavý received great recognition already during his lifetime. He liked to play with stylising his image - and not only in his self-portraits. He learned from old masters and modern artists such as Jan Preisler and Bohumil Kubišta. He admired the work of Leonardo da Vinci, whose paintings he often paraphrased. Jan Zrzavý bequeathed his extensive oeuvre, including his own art collection, to the National Gallery. The number of pages and artworks in this book is limited, but a lot more may come to life in your mind...