PES XXX/ 2023 Prague Egyptological Studies
Český egyptologický ústav 2023
brožovaná, 65 str.
ISBN 12143189302023
Prague Egyptological Studies (PES) is a bi-annual double-blind peer-reviewed English journal prepared by the Czech Institute of Egyptology, Faculty of Arts, Charles University in Prague. The journal was published regularly since 2002 in Czech, starting from 2015 also in English and since 2021 only in English. The journal presents archaeological reports as well as original studies on any aspect of ancient Egyptian and Nubian material culture, religion, language and history, or the history of Egyptology and the reception of ancient Egypt in later periods. In addition, it welcomes primary studies focusing on the wider interdisciplinary scope of Egyptology, such as environmental archaeology, archaeozoology and archaeobotany, as well as new research in applied sciences. The journal also includes book reviews on recently published monographs in the above-mentioned fields.