The Audience in Centre Stage
Goodacre Jonathan - Lázňovský Michal - Pecková Černá Martina
Akademie múzických umění 2021
brožovaná, 181 str.
ISBN 9788073315856
Kniha popisuje metodologii a hlavní výsledky projektu ASSET, který mezi lety 2019 a 2021 s podporou programu Kreativní Evropa zkoumal publikum v divadlech v Česku, Rakousku, Finsku, Chorvatsku a Bulharsku. Představen je také zcela nový model segmentace publika dle obsahových preferencí, který v rámci projektu vznikl. Každá ze zemí zapojených v projektu má navíc v knize svou kapitolu, která přibližuje specifika tamního publika a také průběh šetření z pohledu samotných zapojených divadel. Samostatná kapitola je pak věnována Evropské noci divadel jako klíčovému nástroji rozvoje publika na evropské úrovni.
ASSET, which stands for Audience Segmentation System in European Theatres, has been an international collaboration and research project of seven partners from across Europe supported by the Creative Europe programme in the period 2018 to 2021. The main goal of ASSET was to develop, test and provide theatres and performing arts and cultural organisations in Europe with the tools and skills to learn about their audiences, using this knowledge to diversify and deepen the relationship with their audiences and develop their artistic programmes. The final publication describes the process behind the project with a focus on audience segmentation methodology, main results and specifics of audiences in each country and also introduces a new segmentation model developed for 20 participating theatres in 5 european capitals.
ASSET, which stands for Audience Segmentation System in European Theatres, has been an international collaboration and research project of seven partners from across Europe supported by the Creative Europe programme in the period 2018 to 2021. The main goal of ASSET was to develop, test and provide theatres and performing arts and cultural organisations in Europe with the tools and skills to learn about their audiences, using this knowledge to diversify and deepen the relationship with their audiences and develop their artistic programmes. The final publication describes the process behind the project with a focus on audience segmentation methodology, main results and specifics of audiences in each country and also introduces a new segmentation model developed for 20 participating theatres in 5 european capitals.