The Pyramid Fields of Ancient Egypt: A Satellite Atlas
Bárta Miroslav - Brůna Vladimír (eds.)
Hlavním cílem této publikace je vůbec poprvé nabídnout ucelenou a detailn...
PES XXX/ 2023 Prague Egyptological Studies
Prague Egyptological Studies (PES) is a bi-annual double-blind peer-revie...
Abusir XXVII The Mastaba of Werkaure II (Post-old Kingdom Strata)
Krejčí Jaromír - Brukner Havelková Petra et al.
Druhý díl monografie o výsledcích archeolog...
Abusir XXIX: The Shaft Tomb og Menekhibnekau II: The Texts
Landgráfová Renata - Bareš Ladislav
The tomb of Menekhibnekau is one of the four large shaft tombs of the Sai...
Knowledge and Memory
Coppens Filip - Janák Jiří
The volume "Knowledge and Memory" serves as an appreciation of the career and achievements of Profes...
PES XXVIII/2022 Prague Egyptological Studies
(anglicky) Prague Egyptological Studies (PES) is a bi-annual double-bl...
Continuity, Discontinuity and Change. Perspectives from the New
Coppens Filip - ed.
The volume focuses on different methods and...
Sluneční králové. Kings of the Sun. Katalog. Catalogue
Bárta Miroslav - Janák Jiří
The catalogue accompanied the unique exhibition Kings of the Sun that too...
Abusir and Saqqara in the Year 2020
Bárta Miroslav - Coppens Filip
The Czech Institute of Egyptology of the Charles University has since the...
PES XXVI/2021. Prague Egyptological Studies
(anglicky) Prague Egyptological Studies (Pražské egyptologické studie)...
Abusir XXVI. The Funerary Domains in the Pyramid Complex of Sahura
Mohamed Ismail Khaled
Kniha představuje čtenáři bohatý soubor krá...
Economic Complexity in the Ancient Near East
Mynářová Jana - Alivernini Sergio
Šíření klínového písma z centra Mezopotámie do periferií v průběhu druhé ...
Guardian of Ancient Egypt 3 svazky KOMPLET
Kamrin Janice
Three volumes, edited by Janice Kamrin, Miroslav Bárta, Salima Ikram, Mar...
Addressing the Dynamics of Change in Ancient Egypt:
Dulíková Veronika - Bárta Miroslav
The present volume seeks to indicate novel methods and approaches to anal...