Summer of Caprice (paperback)
Vančura Vladislav
In Summer of Caprice (the classic novel of the Twenties that was adapted into the beloved fil...
Tales of the Prague Ghetto
Kapper Siegfried
Trained in philosophy and medicine, the writer, translator, scholar, and political and cultural acti...
The Avant-Postman
Vichnar David
The Avant-Postman explores a broad range of innovative postwar writing in France, Britain, an...
The Benedictines and Cental Europe
Foltýn Dušan - Mašková Pavlína
This book is the work of more than thirty medievalists from the Czech Rep...
The Castle
Kafka Franz
The Castle is the story of K., the unwanted Land Surveyor who is never to be admitted to the Castle ...
The Chattertooth Eleven
Bass Eduard
Dnes už klasická povídka Eduarda Basse z roku 1922 vychází nyní i v anglickém překladu. Autorkou dod...
The Chattertooth Eleven
Bass Eduard
Dnes už klasická povídka Eduarda Basse z roku 1922 vychází nyní i v anglickém překladu. Autorkou dod...
The Defence of Constitutionalism
Přibáň Jiří
Jak může znít v evropsky integrované a globálně provázané společnosti na ...
The Devil´s Workshop
Topol Jáchym
'The devil had his workshop in Belarus. That's where the deepest graves are. But no one knows about ...
The Lake
Bellová Bianca
A fishing village at the end of the world. A lake that is drying up and, ominously, pushing out its ...
The Lesser Histories
Zábrana Jan
From the eighth floor of a tower block in Central Europe, Jan Zábrana surveyed the twentieth century...
The Lesser Histories
Zábrana Jan
From the eighth floor of a tower block in Central Europe, Jan Zábrana surveyed the twentieth century...
The Little Town Where Time Stood Still
Hrabal Bohumil
'Folks, life is beautiful! Bring on the drinks, I'm sticking around till ...
The Maimed
Ungar Hermann
Set in Prague, The Maimed relates the story of a highly neurotic, socially inept bank clerk who is e...
The Pied Piper
Dyk Viktor
Básník, prozaik, dramatik a publicista Viktor Dyk se v této novele (časopisecky 1911–1912, knižně 19...