Havel. A Life
Žantovský Michael
"Vaclav Havel: iconoclast and philosopher-king, an internationally successful playwright who became ...
The Lesser Histories
Zábrana Jan
From the eighth floor of a tower block in Central Europe, Jan Zábrana surveyed the twentieth century...
The Lesser Histories
Zábrana Jan
From the eighth floor of a tower block in Central Europe, Jan Zábrana surveyed the twentieth century...
The Avant-Postman
Vichnar David
The Avant-Postman explores a broad range of innovative postwar writing in France, Britain, an...
Summer of Caprice
Vančura Vladislav
Vančurovo Rozmarné léto bývá považováno za nepřeložitelné. Souvisí to jak s jazykovými prostř...
Ploughshares into Swords
Vančura Vladislav
Mistrovské dílo českého básnického jazyka Pole orná a válečná poprvé v překladu do angličtiny...
Ploughshares into Swords
Vančura Vladislav
Mistrovské dílo českého básnického jazyka Pole orná a válečná poprvé v překladu do angličtiny...
Marketa Lazarová (ang.)
Vančura Vladislav
Medieval Bohemia, the petty nobility nothing more than highwaymen, literally robber barons, and the ...
Summer of Caprice (paperback)
Vančura Vladislav
In Summer of Caprice (the classic novel of the Twenties that was adapted into the beloved fil...
A Czech Dreambook
Vaculík Ludvík
It’s 1979 in Czechoslovakia, ten years into the crushing restoration of repressive communism known a...
A Czech Dreambook
Vaculík Ludvík
It’s 1979 in Czechoslovakia, ten years into the crushing restoration of repressive communism known a...
The Maimed
Ungar Hermann
Set in Prague, The Maimed relates the story of a highly neurotic, socially inept bank clerk who is e...
Boys & Murderers
Ungar Hermann
Presents a collection of short fiction that explores the human psyche.
The Devil´s Workshop
Topol Jáchym
'The devil had his workshop in Belarus. That's where the deepest graves are. But no one knows about ...