The Sonnets and A Lover's Complaint
Shakespeare William
Part of Penguin's beautiful hardback Clothbound Classics series, designed...
Wenceslas IV
Kuthan Jiří - Šenovský Jakub (eds.)
Anglický překlad doprovodné publikace k výstavě „Václav IV. Král na rozhraní věků. 600 let od úmrtí ...
Baroque Prague
Vlnas Vít
Praha barokní pokrývá historické údobí Prahy od Bílé hory po dobu osvícenství, tedy od roku 1...
The Epic of Gilgamesh
The ancient Sumerian poem The Epic of Gilgamesh is one of the oldest written stories in existence, t...
War and Peace
Tolstoy Leo
A beautiful Penguin Classics clothbound edition of Tolstoy's magnificent epic novel of love, conflic...
The Aeneid
Virgil's masterpiece and one of the greatest works in all of literature, now in a beautiful clothbou...
Music as Medicine. How We Can Harness Its Therapeutic Power
Levitin Daniel
We are only just beginning to appreciate the healing power of music. In r...
44 Days in Prague
Shukman Ann
After discovering that her grandmother had pro-German sympathies, Ann Shukman resolved to investigat...
Les Misérables
Hugo Victor
Victor Hugo's tale of injustice, heroism and love follows the fortunes of Jean Valjean, an escaped c...
So Late in the Day
Keegan Claire
After an uneventful Friday at the Dublin office, Cathal faces into the long weekend and takes the bu...
Magnificent Minds
Goh Suzanne
"An essential primer based on a renowned new model of care that is comprehensive and research based,...
Heresy. Jesus Christ and the Other Sons of God
Nixey Catherine
From a celebrated classicist and author of The Darkening Age ("[a] ballis...
May Contain Lies
Edmans Alex
How our biases cause us to fall for misinformation—and how to combat it. Our lives are minefields...
Identity. The Story of Czech Graphic Design
Kudrnovská Linda - kol.
Anglická verze obsáhlé kolektivní monografie nabízí unikátní vhled do svě...