Instant Anatomy, 5th Edition
Whitaker Robert H. - Borley Neil R.
Instant Anatomy presents anatomy and anatomical relationships in a simple, unique, schematic manner ...
Introduction to Internal Medicine
Mlíková - Seidlerová Jitka
The book Introduction to Internal Medicine is a useful tool for the study...
Janeway's Immunobiology, 10th Edition
Murphy Kenneth - Weaver Casey
The gold standard, with the most up-to-date research and resources. Im...
Langman´s Medical Embryology 15th edition
Sadler T.W.
Vibrantly illustrated with full-color diagrams and clinical images, Langm...
Larsen's Human Embroyology, 6th Edition
Schoenwolf Gary - Bleyl Steven B.
Offering a well-organized, straightforward approach to a highly complex s...
Latin for Pharmacists
Kunešová Květuše
Skriptum Latin for Pharmacists podává přehled základní latinské mluvnice a slovní zásoby. Je ...
Léčíme česky. Лікуємо чеською
Čermáková Iveta a kol.
Učebnice je určena nelékařským zdravotnickým pracovníkům, kteří přicházejí do České republiky z Ukra...
Lippincot Illustrated Review: Pharmacology 8th ed.
Whalen Karen
tudents' favorite review resource for studying the essentials of medical ...
Lippincot Illustrated Reviews Microbiology 4th edition
Cornelissen Cynthia Nau - Hobbs Marcia Metzgar
Mastering essential microbiology concepts is easier with this vividly ill...
Lippincott Illustrated Reviews: Biochemistry 8th ed.
Abali Emine Ercikan - Cline Susan D.
LippincottR Connect Featured Title Purchase of the new print edition of ...
Lippincott's Illustrated Reviews: Immunology, 3rd
Doan Thao - Lievano Fabio
LippincottR Illustrated Reviews: Immunology, 3rd Edition, offers an engag...
Marks' Basic Medical Biochemistry, Sixth, International Edition
Lieberman Michael - Peet Alisa
Marks' Basic Medical Biochemistry: A Clinic...
Medical Genetics at Glance. Third Edition
Pritchard Dorian J. - Korf Bruce R.
Medical Genetics at a Glance covers the core scientific principles necess...
Medical Microbiology. ninth edition
Murray Patrick R. - Rosenthal Ken S.
The foremost text in this complex and fast-changing field, Medical Microb...