The History of Modern Furniture design
Karasová Daniela
Uměleckoprůmyslové muzeum v Praze 2023
brožovaná, 320 str.
ISBN 9788074670206
This richly illustrated publication traces the story of modern design from the Biedermeier period in the first half of the 19th century to the end of the 20th century. It provides a comprehensive view of the modern history of furniture design in the Czech lands in the context of global developments, including individual authorial design. It introduces the most prominent designers and the fate of manufacturers or institutions and presents the art historical context of furniture design, its stylistic background and material and technical conditions. An important part of the exhibition is made up of medallions of personalities of Czech and world furniture design. The book also serves as a catalogue of the UPM's study depository of 19th and 20th century furniture, which is accessible at the chateau in Kamenice nad Lipou.