Československé gramofony 1946-1993
Hošťák Jan - Zeithaml Michal
Národní technické muzeum 2021
vázaná, 389 str.
ISBN 9788070373385
Publikace "Československé gramofony 1946-1993" si klade za cíl seznámit širokou laickou i odbornou veřejnost s historií výroby gramofonů v Československu. Od nelehkých poválečných let budování znárodněného průmyslu po začátek let devadesátých, podrobně mapuje jednotlivé modelové řady našich gramofonů vyrobených v bývalé Tesle Litovel. Čtenář má možnost poprvé zalistovat pomyslným katalogem těchto mnohdy badatelsky opomíjených přístrojů na pozadí historických událostí v Československu.
The publication "Czechoslovak Record Players 1946-1993" aims to introduce to both, lay and professional public, with the history of gramophone production in Czechoslovakia. From the hard post-war years of nationalized industry's establishment to the early 1990s. This publication maps into detail the individual model lines of our manufactured gramophones in the former Tesla Litovel. For the very first time, the reader will have the opportunity to browse through an imaginary catalog of these often neglected devices against the background of historical events in Czechoslovakia.
The publication "Czechoslovak Record Players 1946-1993" aims to introduce to both, lay and professional public, with the history of gramophone production in Czechoslovakia. From the hard post-war years of nationalized industry's establishment to the early 1990s. This publication maps into detail the individual model lines of our manufactured gramophones in the former Tesla Litovel. For the very first time, the reader will have the opportunity to browse through an imaginary catalog of these often neglected devices against the background of historical events in Czechoslovakia.