Hřbitov při kostele sv. Jakuba v Brně. Vyhodnocení archeologických
Zůbek Antonín
Archaia Brno z.ú. 2018
vázaná, 177 str.
ISBN 9788090554665
Práce podává vyhodnocení poznatků získaných během archeologických výzkumů svatojakubského hřbitova v Brně. Hřbitov byl založen na počátku 13. století. Zrušen byl v roce 1785. Záchranné výzkumy získaly mnoho informací k topografii hřbitova a jeho vztahu k veřejnému a soukromému prostoru. Patrná byla tendence k rozšiřování hřbitova. Důležitým faktorem bylo zvětšování kostela. Rozpoznány byly tři stavební fáze. Záchranné výzkumy odkryly 2162 pohřbů. Přinesly mnoho poznatků o pohřebním ritu během středověku a novověku. Kolekce získaných lidských ostatků představuje rozsáhlý soubor pro antropologické studium historické populace v Brně.
Abstract: The work gives the evaluation of findigs acquired during archaeological researches of St James' cemetery in Brno. The churchyard was established as early as the 13th century and abolished in the year 1785. It was located around the parish church of St James in the northern part of the town. Archaeological investiganion gained many informations about topography of the churchyard and relation to the public and private space. The cemetery had an evident tendecy to expand. Very important factor was enlarging the church. Three phases of building were rocognized. Rescue excavations uncovered 2162 burials. They brought a lot of knowledge about medieval and early modern funeral rites. The collection of human remains represents extinsive set for an anthropological study of the historical population in Brno.
Abstract: The work gives the evaluation of findigs acquired during archaeological researches of St James' cemetery in Brno. The churchyard was established as early as the 13th century and abolished in the year 1785. It was located around the parish church of St James in the northern part of the town. Archaeological investiganion gained many informations about topography of the churchyard and relation to the public and private space. The cemetery had an evident tendecy to expand. Very important factor was enlarging the church. Three phases of building were rocognized. Rescue excavations uncovered 2162 burials. They brought a lot of knowledge about medieval and early modern funeral rites. The collection of human remains represents extinsive set for an anthropological study of the historical population in Brno.