Písně, letanie a modlitby, které při pohřbích zpívati se mohou
Tyllner Lubomír
Etnologický ústav AV ČR 2018
vázaná, 160 str.
ISBN 9788088081166
Ještě v sedmdesátých letech 20. století na jihočeských Blatech se udržel tradiční pohřební obřad, jehož rozměrnou část tvoří zpěvy nad otevřenou rakví zemřelého. tento obřad se koná v domě nebožtíkově a scházejí se k němu všichni pozůstalí a dále nejbližší přátelé z příslušné obce. Vedle modliteb jsou zde zpívány pohřební lidové duchovní zpěvy, které svým vznikem sahají až do 16. století, zejména do kancionálů různých konfesí doby baroka.
Thus in the 1970s in the South-Bohemian region of Blata we could still find a traditional burial ceremony a large part of which consists of songs performed above the open coffin of the deceased. This ceremony takes place in the house of the deceased where all the family and closest friends from the village meet. Besides prayers, funeral spiritual songs are sung which date back to 16th century and appeared mainly in hymn books and various confessions. Besides prayers, funeral spiritual songs are sung which date back to 16th century and appeared mainly in hymn books and various confessions of the Baroque period.
Thus in the 1970s in the South-Bohemian region of Blata we could still find a traditional burial ceremony a large part of which consists of songs performed above the open coffin of the deceased. This ceremony takes place in the house of the deceased where all the family and closest friends from the village meet. Besides prayers, funeral spiritual songs are sung which date back to 16th century and appeared mainly in hymn books and various confessions. Besides prayers, funeral spiritual songs are sung which date back to 16th century and appeared mainly in hymn books and various confessions of the Baroque period.