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Automobilista v zajetí reality

Automobilista v zajetí reality

Vývoj pravidel silničního provozu v českých zemích v první polovině 20. století

[The Captive Motorist]

Štemberk, Jan

subjects: law – legal history, history – 20th century

paperback, 174 pp., 1. edition
published: july 2008
ISBN: 978-80-246-1461-8
recommended price: 170 czk



This book follows the development of the legal regulation of motorism from its beginnings through the 1950s. The first half of the 20th century was the most important era in this field as the essential rules and principles enabling the further development of automobile transportation were laid during this period. It was the time of the search for the balance between the motorism enthusiasts and society, which was not always inclined towards this form of transportation. The text presents motorism from the point of view of obligations and limits, which the Czech driver was subjected to, nevertheless, the author does not merely introduce the traffic rules, but he also tries to accentuate interesting information concerning everything the driver had to cope with.