Acta Universitatis Carolinae Kinanthropologica (AUC Kinanthropologica) is an international peer reviewed journal for the publication of research outcomes in the humanities, the social sciences and the natural sciences, as applied to kinathropology. It is a multidisciplinary journal accepting only original unpublished articles in English in the various sub-disciplines and related fields of kinanthropology, such as Anthropology, Anthropomotorics, Sports Pedagogy, Sociology of Sport, Philosophy of Sport, History of Sport, Physiology of Sport And Exercise, Physical Education, Applied Physical Education, Physiotherapy, Human Biomechanics, Psychology of Sport, Sports Training and Coaching, Sport Management, etc. The journal also welcomes interdisciplinary articles. The journal also includes reports of relevant activities and reviews of relevant publications.

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AUC KINANTHROPOLOGICA, Vol 59 No 2 (2023), 125–141

Dog walking during the lockdown in the Covid-19 pandemic situation in the Czech Republic: a questionnaire survey

Kristýna Machová, Štěpán Zítek, Klára Daďová, Radka Procházková

published online: 23. 01. 2024


This study aimed to compare the frequency, duration, and location of dog walking during and before the first Covid-19 lockdown (LD) and possible variable factors. The research team interviewed 504 adult Czech dog owners using an online questionnaire regarding their dog walking activity. During the LD in April 2020, the frequency of dog walking was significantly lower, and a single walk duration was significantly higher than before (p < 0.001). The preference for locations also changed during the LD. Dog walking was considered beneficial for physical activity (PA) and daily rhythm. Factors related to dog walking frequency during the LD were age (p = 0.016) and the length of working/studying hours (p < 0.001). These factors were significant before and during the LD: the number of children (p < 0.001), the number of household members (p = 0.044), and the type of housing (p = 0.006). This study brings a broad amount of data on current trends and changes in dog walking during the unprecedented lockdown, which might contribute to the organisation of public health or research methodology in future relatable situations.

keywords: companion animal; physical activity; lockdown; public health; leisure

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Dog walking during the lockdown in the Covid-19 pandemic situation in the Czech Republic: a questionnaire survey is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

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ISSN: 1212-1428
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