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Obecné dobré podle Melantricha a Veleslavínů

Obecné dobré podle Melantricha a Veleslavínů

[General Good According to Melantrich and the Veleslavíns. Activities of the Melantrich Publishing House (1547 - 1585). II. Activities of the Veleslavín Publishing House (1547-1585)]

Bohatcová, Mirjam

subjects: history – early modern

paperback, 594 pp., 1. edition
translation: Kyralová, Marie
published: september 2005
ISBN: 80-246-0524-4
recommended price: 470 czk



This monograph on the history of letterpress and Czech book in the 16th–17th centuries characterizes the publishing house owners, their family ties, work relationships both at home and abroad. It analyzes the influence the owner's ideological attitudes had on the publishing house's production. The author focuses on specialist, religious and ethical works, including period journalism and predecessors to our newspapers. Part of this publication is intended for experts on old prints, containing for the first time ever a list of the Melantrich and Veleslavín prints. The book also contains a list of dedications in Czech, German and Latin, which were a customary part of books at that time. This monograph crowns the author's lifelong work employing the knowledge she acquired as a researcher in the Department of Manuscripts and Old Prints at the National Museum Library and in the Cabinet of Philological Documentation of the Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences.